
<3 CHOCO <3

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Cut my hair short. Deactivated Facebook.
<twas hacked 6x>
Needed to be far from all stimuli, far from the real world.
deactivated myself to reinforce my Truth.
To shut-down in order to re-open again.

I'm back to reality. i thought dreams would never end. to update~ i fell. I FELL IN LOVE.
it's a combination of everything worthwhile and painful, the stolen moments of teenage love. i amazed myself of how fast i fell in love with someone i barely knew; to someone i never even thought i would have a chance with. someone who did not fit what i call my wish lists; irrevocably; he shone through; like the key and opened my heart. a heart i thought that vanished.

i cut my hair, my MERMAID trademark. the nymph in me; it took a lot of guts & tears to reach up and even decide. it has been done. history has been changed. And so did I...
i need no more pain; i just have to detached anything from the outside to burn deeper because it already hurts. WHY, when i thought that happiness was already at my reach. at that corner.

when i look at myself at this point, i see a new mirage, a fancy new look. to remind myself of the covenant i made.  
i hold on to the rope where there is no assurance, if i have to fall back or hold-on. it's the sweetest to stay in my fantasy but each passing time reminds me that reality is near. what is real? I believe that LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL. this is my reality; as of *Now
HIS LOVE&MINE. i cried last night hoping for the best & preparing for the worst.

A Battle, I rest my oars. It shall be done if it is meant to be.LET GO. LET GOD.